Privacy Policy

The user of this site acknowledges that the information contained within the © Website is the property of M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca S.A. de C.V. and therefore the user is not granted any right, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of the rights of the intellectual property title over the information. The user acknowledges and accepts that they may not modify, copy, duplicate, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by email, transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way, medium or circumstance all or part of the contents included in the website of © for private, public or commercial purposes, if you do not have the express written authorization of M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca SA de C.V. When you visit our Website, we may collect information about you, such as; your personal data (name, address, telephone, e-mail, etc.). © is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizing your need to protect the personal information that you share with us.

Customer Service

We have an e-mail account, so that you can contact us at any time and in this way we can answer any questions that are related to ©. We put at your disposal a contact form within our website so that you can contact us.

Links (Links to other sites)

Certain links will allow you to leave the © Site and are provided as an aid. The sites connected to our Website are not under any control of us and © is not responsible for the content of any of the sites or any links connected outside of our Website, as well as any changes or updates to these sites.

Information Security and Personal Data

When browsing our Website, you can feel safe since the information contained is constantly updated and published in this means of communication with the prior authorization of M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca S.A. de C.V., always thinking of your benefit. All pertinent efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained within our Website, in order to offer you a better service. The Personal Data will be kept for a period of five years in physical and electronic media and will be treated by means of an SSL padlock to protect the user's information, and later will be discarded in order to avoid improper treatment of the same, this with based on Article 11, second paragraph of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the "Law"). Personal Data will be treated based on the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility in terms of the Law. The confidentiality of Personal Data is guaranteed and they are protected by measures of administrative, technical and physical security, to avoid its damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure. In the event that a security breach occurs in any phase of the processing of Personal Data, © will inform you, through the email you have provided, so that you can take the corresponding measures in order to safeguard your rights. ©, will refrain from selling, leasing or renting the Personal Data to a third party. You can only share Personal Data, in order to comply with the obligations, benefits and requirements, provided or prepared by local and federal authorities. By virtue of the foregoing, the information provided by © may not be used in a way other than that established in this Privacy Policy. National and international transfers of Personal Data will be carried out with all appropriate security measures, in accordance with the principles contained in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, as well as the Policy Guidelines. of Privacy ("the Law"). In the event of any modification or update to this Privacy Policy, © will inform you through the email you have provided. Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to go to the National Institute of Transparency of Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data in case you consider that your right to the protection of Personal Data has been violated. For more information visit This Privacy Notice constitutes a legal agreement between you as a user / client and ©, so when entering and using this internet portal, whose domain name is owned by M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca SA de C.V. you (the user) are accepting the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy and expressly declare your acceptance of it, using for this purpose electronic means in accordance with the provisions of article 1803 of the Federal Civil Code. Any questions or any comments related to this Privacy Policy, we ask you to contact us through the email

Contact by E-mail

To contact us we put at your disposal the following email address.

Customer Service:

Copyright ©

The name of © and the logo of © are trademarks registered under license from M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca S.A. de C.V. All rights reserved Copyright 2021 by M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca S.A. de C.V. The use of the content, database or any other element of © are property of M&L Comercio Exterior y Operación Logísitca S.A. de C.V. The rest of the trademarks that appear in images or videos contained in the Website are the property of their respective companies.

Last update date: August 2021.